
2021 MMA Legislators of the Year

In appreciation for outstanding leadership on behalf of Michigan manufacturers, MMA recognizes Representative Luke Meerman, Senator Jon Bumstead and Representative Joe Tate as the 2021 MMA Legislators of the Year.

State Representative Luke Meerman

In his role as the House co-chair of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), Representative Meerman stood up for manufacturers against aggressive regulatory overreach by MIOSHA to establish a permanent COVID-19 workplace standard.

About Representative Luke Meerman:

  • First elected to serve the 88th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2018.
  • Represents Allendale, Georgetown, Tallmadge, Wright, Chester, Coopersville and Polkton townships in Ottawa County.
  • Is a small business owner and fifth-generation dairy farmer. Served as a Polkton Township trustee, having been first elected in 2012. Member of the Ottawa County GOP Executive Committee and chairman of the Outreach Committee. Active with the Ottawa County Farm Bureau and is a past board member (2007-2013) and past vice president (2010-2013).

State Senator Jon Bumstead

As the Senate co-chair of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), Senator Bumstead ensured that manufacturers throughout the state will be able to use their best judgement as to how to follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep COVID-19 out of the workplace.

About Representative Jon Bumstead:

  • Elected to represent the 100th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in 2010 and served three terms before being term-limited in 2016. Served as vice chair for the House Committee on Appropriations and was a member on several appropriations subcommittees.
  • Elected to represent the 34th state Senate District in 2018, including Muskegon, Newaygo and Oceana counties.
  • Chairs the Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Appropriations subcommittee.
  • Began his own construction firm 39 years ago and is active in his community including several Chambers of Commerce throughout the district, the Michigan Home Builders Association and many other local groups. Also served as a volunteer firefighter with the Newaygo Area Fire and Rescue Command.

State Representative Joe Tate

Through his constant advocacy for programs that develop advanced skills in manufacturing employees, Representative Tate found bipartisan ways to support the work of the SME Education Foundation to increase the number of Michigan high schools using the PRIME® program to craft long-needed manufacturing based CTE programs.

About Representative Joe Tate:

  • Currently serving his second term representing Michigan’s 2nd House District, a diverse community that covers part of Detroit’s Lower East Side, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe City, and Grosse Pointe Farms.
  • Ran for this office as a part of his deep and lifelong commitment to public service.
  • Earned a scholarship to play football at Michigan State University before joining the National Football League.
  • Served in the United States Marine Corps, deploying twice to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
  • After an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, earned both an M.B.A. and a Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Planning from the University of Michigan.
  • Helped small businesses grow their capacity as a program manager for the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation.

The MMA Legislator of the Year Award recognizes state policymakers who have provided essential leadership in regard to manufacturing issues over his or her career and is determined by an MMA-appointed committee. The award is presented during the MFG Legislative Day Reception in September. Presented at the Legislative Reception in September. See past winners.

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