
About MMA

To empower, inspire and support. To assist, challenge and grow. To advocate, strengthen and encourage.

These are only some of the goals of the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA), and that’s just the beginning.

Since 1902, MMA has had a proven track record and unwavering commitment to serve Michigan manufacturers through legislative advocacy, workforce development, education, training, networking, costs savings and more. As MMA members, manufacturers can tap into a professional network and resources to help grow their businesses and address challenges, and they can create a sense of unity with other manufacturers.

Through the collective power of our members, we help protect the people and organizations that make up one of the state’s most vital industries. We support our members and the entire industry by driving state policy through relentless advocacy, we provide resources to address the talent crisis, we communicate vital information and we provide numerous cost savings and benefits to our members.

We do all of that and so much more.

Our Mission

For more than a century, the manufacturing industry has propelled Michigan forward—through good times and in challenging times. In the 21st century, our legacy champions of industry and our next generation of innovators are collaborating to drive Michigan into a future that will continue to shape our collective fortunes, our state’s economy, the communities we serve, our individual businesses, and our families’ livelihoods. The modern manufacturer in Michigan is one part inventor, one part producer, one part experimenter, one part employer… and all things critical to our state’s success.

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Watch a brief video about MMA’s history below or read about our rich 120-year legacy.

MMA serves as a unifying champion of an industry that is in constant evolution and growth. We represent the most diverse manufacturing center in perhaps the entire world. And just as we have since the industrial revolution, we will continue to be the cradle of innovation and invention for generations to come. With a sole purpose to advocate for, support, train and grow the manufacturing industry in Michigan, our mission to the industry is clear: to hear your voice, to unify your voice, to amplify your voice and to be your voice.

MMA has a proven track record and an unwavering commitment to serve Michigan manufacturers through legislative advocacy, workforce development, education, training, networking, cost savings and as a constant, vigilant beacon for one of the world’s most innovative, inventive and industrious business sectors on the planet — regardless of size, longevity, specialization or future ambition.

A Champion for the Manufacturing Community in Michigan

MMA is a community for manufacturers, made up of manufacturing professionals. It’s the place where you, your concerns, your ingenuity, your talent and your innovative ideas are welcome, where you will be a part of the progress, where you will be part of a community of people who understand.

For more than a century, the manufacturing industry has propelled Michigan forward — through good times and in challenging times. Our goal is to collaborate in order to strengthen our state’s economy, our local communities, manufacturing businesses and our families.

Learn More About MMA Membership

Elissa Olson

Elissa Olson
Membership Development Manager
Call 517-487-8555


Elizabeth Maciejewski

Elizabeth Maciejewski
Membership Specialist
Call 517-487-8542