Manufacturers are leading Michigan’s economic recovery. Corporate contributions to support a pro-manufacturing agenda can continue and accelerate this recovery. ImPACt allows corporations to provide unlimited support for MMA to advocate for or against political candidates, however, the fund is prohibited from donating money directly to political candidate committees.
- Reporting: Required
- Focus: Candidate Support
- Contribute: Call 517-487-8542; corporate checks and credit cards accepted
Education is key to achieving public support of manufacturing issues and companies can support a pro-manufacturing agenda by contributing to the MMA Advancing Issues for Manufacturers (AIM) Fund. AIM accepts corporate contributions to support issue development and public messaging on pro-manufacturing legislation or issues. The fund can commission issue-related studies, develop awareness campaigns and educate the public, and policymakers, on the vital role manufacturing plays in our state.
- Reporting: Not required
- Focus: Issue Awareness
- Contribute: Call 517-487-8542; corporate checks and credit cards accepted