
Support Michigan's Manufacturing Future

Join influential members of our manufacturing community, including MMA leadership, for a powerful day dedicated to supporting Michigan industry. MMA’s semi-annual golf classics are member-exclusive opportunities that support a strong manufacturing future.

ImPACt Summer Golf Classic

September 9 • Fox Hills, Plymouth
MMA’s annual summer golf outing benefits the MMA ImPACt Fund and is held in the summer at one of Michigan’s prestigious golf courses.

MMA-PAC Winter Golf Classic

Winter 2025
MMA’s annual winter golf outing benefits the MMA-PAC. The MMA-PAC Golf Classic is held in the winter at an indoor simulator golf facility.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Support manufacturing growth and innovation with sponsorship and engagement opportunities available throughout the year.

Political Action

Manufacturers must make their voices heard. We must all become involved in driving our pro-manufacturing agenda. Here are three ways MMA members can make corporate contributions to support MMA’s mission.

Personal Contribution

Consider spreading your investment throughout the year.

Check out your options.

    • Many decisions that impact Michigan manufacturers are made by elected officials. Electing pro-manufacturing candidates helps move manufacturers’ pro-manufacturing agenda
    • Reporting Required
    • Focus: Candidate Support
    • MMA-PAC can accept personal contributions or contributions from sole-proprietorships, partnerships or limited liability companies (LLCs). State Law prohibits acceptance of corporate checks
  • Donate Now

Corporate Contributions

  • ImPACt
    • Allows corporations to provide unlimited support for MMA to advocate for or against political candidates, however, the fund is prohibited from donating money directly to political candidate committees
    • Reporting Required
    • Focus: Candidate Support
    • Call 517-487-8542 to take advantage of your corporate free speech. Corporate checks and credit cards accepted. Company name and dollar amount of contributions to the MMA ImPACt Fund are required to be reported to the State of Michigan under the regulations for this type of committee.
  • AIM
    • No Reporting Required
    • Focus: Issue Awareness
    • accepts corporate contributions to support issue development and public messaging on pro-manufacturing legislation or issues. The fund can commission issue-related studies, develop awareness campaigns and educate the public, and policymakers, on the vital role manufacturing plays in our State
    • Call 517-487-8542 to contribute to the MMA AIM Fund. Corporate checks and credit cards accepted. Contributions to the MMA AIM Fund are not required to be reported

Learn More

Jacob DubervilleJacob Duberville
Director of Grassroots Advocacy
Call 517-487-8532