
  • Core Values Can Evolve With Your Business

    March 28, 2024    951

    MMA member Amigo Mobility International presents a case study of that demonstrates how their core values helped evolve their business.
  • Getting Started with eCommerce

    March 28, 2024    957

    With B2B buyers expecting a B2C-like shopping experience, the bar is set high for manufacturers and distributors who want to provide an efficient and easy-to-use website for their customers. MMA member Human Element gives you things to consider before getting started with an eCommerce site build.
  • Energy Management Should Be a Priority for Every Manufacturer

    March 28, 2024    1116

    If Michigan manufacturers are to remain competitive with manufacturers in other states and around the world, energy cost must be kept at a minimum. MMA member EnStar discusses how energy management needs to become a priority in the planning and decision-making process of every firm.
  • How Artificial Intelligence Fits in a Human’s World

    March 28, 2024    853

    Dale Carnegie, the “father” of the Self-Help Movement, began his formal work and research in human behavior in 1912. He pondered the questions of what differentiated happy, successful people from those that were not happy or successfully fulfilled.
  • Digital Health Tools Aren’t Just Good for Employees — Employers Benefit, Too

    March 28, 2024    864

    Even common health issues, like strep throat or a bout of poison ivy can be quickly resolved with a virtual health visit. With digital solutions, patients have access to advice, vetted resources, and real-time data about their health at their fingertips. MMA member Blue Cross shares how digital tools offer in-depth, in-the-moment support.
  • Navigating Modern Workforce Development Trends in Manufacturing

    March 28, 2024    1567

    As technology advances and global markets evolve, companies are constantly adapting to meet the demands of the modern era. MMA member Chatfield helps you navigate modern workforce development trends in manufacturing.
  • Webinar: Webinar: Creating a Coaching Culture for a Multigenerational Workforce

    March 21, 2024    1019

    Career Growth’s Dixie Grow leads a culture-changing discussion as she shares why and how your organization would benefit by creating a coaching culture that improves employee engagement, retention and performance, a top 2024 priority for organizational leaders.
  • Achieving True Employee Engagement through Process-Based Leadership and Open-Book Management

    March 14, 2024    1084

    Many aspects of a company impact employee engagement. It starts with having a business philosophy and set of company values with which the employees can identify. Combine this with an excellent work environment, great pay and benefits, and you are on your way to creating an environment where engagement can flourish.
  • Creating a Sustainable Culture of Innovation

    March 14, 2024    1002

    Innovation is not a word meant only for the greatest and brightest minds nor is it reserved for job titles and departments. Innovation is something that lives and breathes within each of us. It’s time to recognize and bring to light that the “soft” and “empathic” skills we have historically suppressed in the manufacturing industry are, indeed, what fuels innovation.
  • Driving Profitability: Understanding Your Costs & Operational Performance

    March 14, 2024    1020

    Many small and mid-size manufacturers struggle with profitability for the same reason: They haven’t fully captured their total cost of production and its impact on operating performance. Understanding the total cost to manufacture and the ability to monitor operating performance are key to driving profitability.