
Cybersecurity in the Age of Industry 4.0

As the manufacturing sector continues to embrace the hyper-connected era of Smart Manufacturing, known as Industry 4.0, more and more organizations are integrating advanced automation, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and other cutting-edge innovations into their operations. This transformation promises unprecedented levels of efficiency, production optimization and innovation. However, with these advancements comes a significant increase in cybersecurity risks. The manufacturing industry, which is crucial to the global economy, continues to face complex threats that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data and cause substantial financial and reputational damage.

Overall, cybersecurity risks in the manufacturing sector continue to rise. In 2023, the sector experienced the highest share of cyberattacks among leading industries, a 42 percent increase from 2022. The sector accounted for 20 percent of all cyber extorsion incident, markedly more than the second-ranked industry, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services. The trend has persisted into 2024, with 65 percent of manufacturing organizations falling victim to ransomware attacks, a sharp rise from 56 percent in 2023 and 55 percent in 2022. Additionally, there has been a staggering 400 percent increase in IoT malware attacks across various industries, with the manufacturing industry being the most targeted sector globally. These alarming trends underscore the urgent need for robust cybersecurity strategies tailored to the unique vulnerabilities of the manufacturing environment.

Latent Cybersecurity Risks Facing the Manufacturing Sector

Manufacturers continue to be a prime target for cybercriminals due to their critical role in the global economy, the potential for disrupting essential industries and supply chains and the vast amounts of sensitive data held by organizations within the sector. The cybersecurity risks faced by manufacturers can be broadly categorized into malware attacks, including ransomware, social engineering attacks and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). These threats are particularly concerning given the sector’s unique vulnerabilities, including the risk of intellectual property theft, supply chain disruptions and attacks on Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Cyberattacks may disrupt businesses and supply chains, undermining the benefits of digitalization and resulting in significant financial and productivity losses, as well as reputational damage.

Ransomware attacks, a form of malware attack which involve the deployment of malicious software including viruses, worms and spyware, continue to constitute the single largest threat to manufacturers. Malware is designed to infiltrate, damage, or disrupt systems, making it a formidable adversary in the digital landscape. However, ransomware attacks can cripple an entire manufacturing operation, causing substantial financial, operational and reputational damage.

A ransomware attack generally involves the encryption of a victim’s data, rendering it inaccessible and often includes the exfiltration of sensitive information. In 2024, three out of four ransomware attacks on manufacturers resulted in data encryption and, in 32 percent of these attacks, there was also exfiltration of data. Attackers then demand a ransom payment, typically in the form of cryptocurrency, which serves to shield their identity and location.

The continued focus and rise of malware attacks, such as ransomware, on the manufacturing industry is due to several unique factors that make the manufacturing industry a lucrative target. One key factor is the crucial role that manufacturing plays in global supply chains. Attackers recognize that any disruption to manufacturing operations can have a ripple effect, impacting multiple industries. Furthermore, manufacturing companies typically have a very low tolerance for downtime due to just-in-time contracts, high-capacity utilization and the inability to make up for lost production time. Consequently, these factors significantly increase the pressure on manufacturers to quickly restore operations, incentivizing manufacturers to pay the ransom demands.

Illustratively, the manufacturing sector, along with energy, oil/gas and utilities, is one of only two sectors where payment of a ransom for data restoration is more common than restoration via backup. While almost all manufacturers are able to restore encrypted data after a ransomware attack, only 58 percent were able to do so by restoring encrypted data using backups, while 62 percent were forced to pay the ransom to decrypt the data (almost double the rate of payment reported in 2023).

However, regardless of whether data is ultimately restored, by encrypting critical data, ransomware can effectively bring manufacturing processes to a standstill. The inability to access operational data can delay production schedules, compromise product quality and lead to missed deadlines. The financial implications are severe, encompassing not only the immediate costs of paying the ransom and recovering systems but also the longer-term effects of operational downtime and lost business opportunities. Moreover, the reputational damage resulting from such breaches can erode customer trust and market position, further exacerbating the financial impact.

Even as advances in AI drive the next industrial revolution, cybercriminals are automating and scaling their malware development efforts by leveraging generative AI to write novel malware code, develop stronger encryption algorithms and identify potential vulnerabilities in manufacturers’ information systems.

Social Engineering Attacks, which exploit human vulnerabilities, often serve as the gateway that allows attackers to deploy ransomware and other malicious activities. The reality is that the human factor in cybersecurity is often the weakest link. These attacks exploit human weaknesses rather than technological flaws to gain unauthorized access to systems and data, leading to the theft of sensitive information or enabling more sophisticated ransomware attacks.

Social engineering tactics are diverse and sophisticated. Phishing is a well-known type of social engineering, where attackers send fraudulent messages designed to trick individuals into revealing sensitive credentials or clicking on a malicious link. Spear-phishing is a more targeted variant, aimed at specific individuals or companies, often using information gathered from social media or other sources to create convincing and personalized attacks. Baiting involves enticing a user to perform an action with a false promise, such as offering a free gift, while pretexting involves creating a fabricated scenario to manipulate the victim into providing access or information.

Generative AI has also significantly enhanced the effectiveness of social engineering attacks. Attackers now leverage AI to craft highly personalized and convincing messages that target individuals’ psychological tendencies. For example, AI-generated phishing emails can mimic the writing style of a colleague, manager, or company executive, making it more likely that the victim will trust the message and comply with its requests. Similarly, AI can be used to gather and analyze vast amounts of data from social media profiles, enabling attackers to create detailed and believable pretexts for their scams.

Advanced Persistent Threats are sophisticated, coordinated attacks that often target high-value industries like manufacturing. These attacks are carried out by highly skilled groups with substantial resources aiming to steal sensitive information or disrupt critical infrastructure. In the manufacturing sector, APTs frequently target valuable intellectual property (IP), such as proprietary production techniques, product designs, research and development data and strategic business documents. The theft of such proprietary information is particularly coveted by attackers due to its high value and the impact of such theft can be immense, leading to potential market share loss, decreased competitive advantage and substantial financial repercussions.

APTs pose a significant threat to manufacturing operations not only through IP theft but also by causing significant operational disruptions. Prolonged, unauthorized access to a manufacturer’s network may allow attackers to manipulate industrial control systems, disrupt production processes, or even sabotage equipment. For example, the Stuxnet attack in 2010 demonstratedhow APTs could give attackers control over industrial control systems, leading to widespread operational damage.

Additionally, APTs can compromise supply chains by exploiting vulnerabilities in interconnected networks. Often, attackers gain entry through a single supplier with less robust cybersecurity measures, which can lead to far-reaching implications downstream in the manufacturing supply chain. The SolarWinds attack in 2020 is a notable example, where a breach in one supplier’s system had extensive repercussions across multiple industries and organizations globally.

Identifying and Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks Accompanying the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technology

AI and the Internet of Things. AI and the Internet of Things are at the forefront of the digital transformation in manufacturing, driving the evolution of smart factories and the broader concept of Industry 4.0. By increasing connectivity within manufacturing environments through the linkage of machinery, sensors and systems, IoT devices generate vast amounts of data. AI leverages this data to perform advanced analytics, optimize workflows and automate complex processes. For instance, predictive maintenance uses AI algorithms to analyze data from IoT sensors, identifying potential equipment failures before they occur and scheduling maintenance to prevent unplanned downtime. Real-time monitoring enables manufacturers to continuously track production metrics, allowing for immediate adjustments and improvements. By harnessing the power of AI and IoT, manufacturers can optimize operations, reduce downtime and improve overall efficiency.

However, the integration of IoT devices also expands the attack surface, providing more entry points for cyber attackers. Many IoT devices are designed with a focus on functionality and interoperability rather than security, making them susceptible to exploitation. Specific vulnerabilities associated with IoT devices within a broader system include unsecured connections and the lack of robust security protocols. Attackers can exploit these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to manufacturing networks, disrupt operations, or steal sensitive data. Manufacturers looking to expand their IoT infrastructure must adopt Security by Design principles early on in the planning process and emphasize the integration of robust security measures at every stage of the device and system development lifecycle, including the design, implementation and deployment phases. In addition to securing the IoT infrastructure, manufacturers also face challenges in securing the massive amounts of data generated by IoT devices and processed by AI systems, data that often includes critical operational information that, if compromised, could have significant repercussions. Manufacturers must implement comprehensive security measures to protect data both at rest and in transit, including encryption, access controls and continuous monitoring.

In addition, manufacturers’ AI systems themselves (whether developed or acquired) are vulnerable to specific threats such as data poisoning and model theft. Data poisoning involves attackers feeding false or malicious data into AI systems, skewing the analysis and leading to incorrect conclusions or actions. For example, manipulated data could cause an AI-driven IoT predictive maintenance system to overlook critical issues, resulting in equipment failures. Model theft occurs when attackers steal the AI models, gaining insights into proprietary manufacturing processes and potentially replicating them or exploiting identified weaknesses.

Vendor Management Processes. The use of third-party vendors can introduce significant cybersecurity vulnerabilities into manufacturing operations. The interconnected nature of modern supply chains means that a single compromised vendor can have far-reaching impacts, potentially affecting multiple entities within the broader network. As manufacturers increasingly rely on third-party vendors for various components, services and technologies, it becomes imperative to implement robust vendor management processes to mitigate these risks.

A critical aspect of vendor management is the selection and onboarding process. Conducting thorough due diligence on potential vendors is essential to ensure they meet stringent cybersecurity standards. This due diligence should include, at a minimum:

  • Cybersecurity Posture Assessment: Evaluating the vendor’s current cybersecurity measures, including their use of encryption, access controls and incident response protocols.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that vendors comply with relevant industry regulations and standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001, NIST and GDPR.
  • History of Security Incidents: Reviewing the vendor’s history of data breaches or security incidents to gauge their reliability and responsiveness in handling such events.

Furthermore, clear contractual agreements are essential to establish and enforce cybersecurity expectations, delineate responsibilities and stipulate consequences for non-compliance. Agreements should specifically mandate that vendors adhere to defined standards and protocols, including encryption practices, access control measures and data protection policies. Responsibilities must be clearly allocated between the manufacturer and the vendor, outlining who is accountable for implementing and maintaining various cybersecurity measures. Explicit penalties or corrective actions for non-compliance, such as financial penalties, contract termination, or mandatory remediation efforts, should also be included. Additionally, these agreements must require regular security assessments, such as periodic audits, penetration testing and compliance checks, to ensure continuous adherence to cybersecurity standards. Timely incident reporting procedures with clear timelines must be established to allow swift response and mitigation efforts, thereby maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the vendor relationship.

Vendor management must also extend beyond onboarding and encompass continuous monitoring and assessment to manage risks effectively. Ongoing risk assessments should be conducted at all levels, including company-wide and with regards to specific products/services, to identify and evaluate potential cybersecurity threats. Manufacturers can utilize security ratings and automated questionnaires to continuously monitor vendors’ cybersecurity postures. These tools provide real-time insights into vendors’ security status and help quickly identify emerging risks.

Managing a large number of vendors poses significant challenges. Scaling vendor management processes to accommodate numerous vendors necessitates the use of technology solutions, such as third-party risk management software, that can automate and streamline these processes, enabling efficient monitoring and assessment of vendors. Fostering strong communication and collaboration with vendors is also crucial. Manufacturers should share best practices, cybersecurity intelligence and conduct regular reviews of security measures with their vendors. This collaborative approach ensures that both parties are aligned in their efforts to maintain robust cybersecurity defenses.

Vendor management processes must also be adaptable and responsive to the evolving cybersecurity threat landscape. Regular updates to security requirements and flexibility in responding to new types of cyber threats are essential. By maintaining an agile and proactive approach, manufacturers can better protect their operations from vulnerabilities introduced through third-party vendors.

The Lingering Reliance on Legacy Systems. Legacy systems are prevalent in the manufacturing sector due to several factors, including the high costs associated with upgrading or replacing these systems and the critical role they play in ongoing operations. Many manufacturers understandably continue to rely on older technology because these systems are deeply integrated into their production processes and have proven reliable over time. However, the continued use of legacy systems presents significant cybersecurity risks.

Legacy systems often lack robust security protocols and are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to outdated software. These systems typically do not receive regular updates or support from vendors, leaving them exposed to known vulnerabilities. Moreover, their incompatibility with modern cybersecurity tools further exacerbates the risk, as it becomes challenging to implement effective protective measures.

One of the primary challenges posed by legacy systems is the presence of unpatched security flaws. These flaws are well-documented and frequently exploited by cybercriminals, making legacy systems targets for attacks. As vendors phase out support for older products, manufacturing facilities are left with systems that have known vulnerabilities but no means to secure them. This lack of support and security updates significantly increases the risk of cyber incidents.

Integrating legacy systems with modern technologies also poses substantial difficulties. These systems often do not seamlessly interoperate with newer digital tools, leading to operational inefficiencies and increased cybersecurity risks. The inability to integrate can create gaps in security coverage, making it easier for attackers to exploit weaknesses.

To mitigate the risks associated with legacy systems, manufacturers should conduct regular risk assessments to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities. Manufacturers should also consider segmenting and isolating legacy systems from the rest of the network to contain potential breaches and limit the spread of cyberattacks.

Virtualizing legacy systems or using encapsulation techniques can also enhance security while maintaining system functionality. By running legacy systems in a more secure environment, manufacturers can better protect these critical assets from cyber threats. Additionally, developing a comprehensive plan for the gradual modernization of legacy systems is crucial. This plan should include budgeting for upgrades, identifying suitable replacements and training staff on new technologies to ensure a smooth transition.

The Lack of Investment in Cybersecurity Due to Limited ROI Visibility. There is a tendency inside the boardroom to view cybersecurity as a cost center rather than a strategic investment. This view often leads to reluctance in allocating sufficient budgets to cybersecurity initiatives. The inherent difficulty in quantifying the return on investment (ROI) for cybersecurity exacerbates this issue, as the benefits of such investments are often intangible. Instead of generating direct revenue, cybersecurity investments primarily avert potential losses, making it challenging to demonstrate their value.

The difficulty in demonstrating a clear ROI for cybersecurity investments often results in underinvestment in critical security measures. This underinvestment leaves manufacturing operations vulnerable to a range of cyber threats, which, as discussed above, can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the financial health of the organization but also its competitive standing in the market.

To overcome the challenge of limited ROI visibility, a shift in perspective is necessary. Organizations need to view cybersecurity not merely as a cost but as a strategic investment that protects their assets and ensures business continuity. By reframing cybersecurity as an integral part of the overall business strategy, manufacturers can better justify and allocate the necessary resources.

One effective approach is to adopt cybersecurity frameworks and benchmarks to assess and communicate the value of cybersecurity investments. Aligning with standards such as ISO27001 or the NIST Cybersecurity Framework provides a structured methodology for evaluating security posture improvements. These frameworks offer measurable metrics that can be leveraged to demonstrate the impact of cybersecurity measures, making it easier to quantify and communicate ROI.

It is also crucial to integrate cybersecurity into the broader risk management strategy of the organization. By assessing the potential financial impact of cyber incidents before and after implementing cybersecurity interventions, organizations can offer a clearer picture of the ROI. This approach involves calculating the costs associated with potential breaches, including downtime, recovery expenses and reputational damage and comparing them to the costs of implementing robust cybersecurity measures.

Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence can further aid in quantifying the impact of cybersecurity measures. These technologies enable real-time monitoring and analysis of cybersecurity efforts, providing insights into threat trends, the effectiveness of security protocols and areas requiring improvement. This data-driven approach enhances visibility into the ROI of cybersecurity investments, helping to build a stronger business case for adequate funding.

Next week, we will continue our cybersecurity series with a second article that examines the legal implications and potential liabilities manufacturers face due to cyberattacks, as well as provides actionable recommendations to help manufacturers further mitigate and manage these risks and strengthen their cybersecurity defenses.

Learn more in Part 2, available on the Foley website.

About the Authors

Aaron K. TantleffAaron K. Tantleff is a partner in Foley & Lardner LLP’s Technology Transactions, Cybersecurity, and Privacy; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) practice groups. He represents companies in various technology, privacy, security, information management, open source, and intellectual property matters, such as the development of compliance policies, programs, cybersecurity breach preparation, incident response, big data, and data monetization initiatives. He may be reached at 312-832-4367 or

Alexander MisakianAlexander Misakian is an associate with Foley & Lardner LLP and provides counsel to companies navigating the complex and evolving landscape of state, federal, and international privacy laws and regulations. He may be reached at 312-832-4389 or

Christopher D. TaylorChristopher D. Taylor is an associate with Foley & Lardner LLP and leverages his legal, policy, and political decision-making experience to assist clients in navigating fast-evolving cybersecurity, privacy, and data asset management issues. He may be reached at 312-832-4505 or

Premium Associate MemberFoley & Lardner LLP is an MMA Premium Associate Member and has been an MMA member company since December 2020. Visit online:

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