Keeping the Momentum Going
House Speaker Tom Leonard
What’s next for Michigan’s business climate? Learn how House Speaker Tom Leonard and the House Republican majority plan to build on the tremendous momentum of recent years and continue to advance Michigan manufacturing, address the need for skilled trades and grow our economy.
Racing to First Place
Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development Director Roger Curtis
The state that does the best job developing talent will have an advantage now and long into the future. Roger Curtis is taking his long-time experience and success as president of Michigan’s International Speedway and applying it to skilled trade development. Hear firsthand how Curtis and the Department of Talent and Economic Development (TED) plan to make sure our manufacturers and educators win the race for talent development.
Real-World Perspective
Brooke Beebe, Dow Chemical Company
Each year, hundreds of bills are drafted, introduced, debated, passed (or not), signed into law or vetoed. Professional lobbyist Brooke Beebe will help you understand the importance of advocacy and how to effectively represent your business on crucial issues. Regardless of your company size, you will gain tangible take-aways that will advance your competitiveness.