
Marshall Plan to Gain MMA Support with Pending Testimony

Senate Bill 941 (Senator Dave Hildenbrand, R-Lowell) and Senate Bill 942 (Senator Goeff Hansen, R-Hart) were introduced last month and would enact the Marshall Plan for Talent in the state’s school aid budget and secure the program its necessary funding.

Mike Johnston, MMA vice president of government affairs, is expected to testify before the Senate Appropriations Committee on behalf of thousands of Michigan manufacturers supporting the Administration and Legislature’s continuing focus on skills training for in-demand jobs and an increased awareness of available career paths.

“Talent is one of the primary barriers to competitiveness for Michigan manufacturers and the solutions proposed in these bills very much align with the goals of MMA and our partnership with the SME Education Foundation and the PRIME® program,” said Johnston. “These bills focus on accelerating the pace of developing career pathways for students and building talent pipelines for the Michigan economy. MMA supports the Governor’s effort to directly involve local businesses in the creation of future-focused talent solutions.”

The Marshall Plan bills are among a series of talent-focused solutions being supported by MMA in the current legislative session, including bills dedicated to career explorations, improving career pathways and securing existing funding mechanisms like the Skilled Trades Training Fund to ensure Michigan remains the national leader in manufacturing jobs creation.

Learn more about the Marshall Plan for Talent online.

This article originally appeared in the 5/14/18 issue of MFG Voice.

Contact Mike Johnston

Mike JohnstonVice President of Government Affairs
Call 517-487-8554

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