
MMA-Supported Long-Term Talent Funding Gains Committee Approval

Following MMA testimony before the Senate Economic Development and International Investment Committee, the Committee approved new legislation to secure this training resource for future manufacturers.

The STTF program, designed and implemented by Governor Snyder’s administration, has provided $72.9 million in competitive awards to more than 2,000 Michigan companies for short-term training to enhance talent, productivity and employment retention. Senate Bill 946 (Sen. Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth) would codify the Skilled Trades Training Fund, renaming it the Going Pro Talent Program, and expand the time frame in which training may be conducted from a window of just a few months to a window of one year. More detailed information about SB 946 can be found here.

“MMA members are extraordinarily supportive of the STTF. I can tell you that when manufacturers are talking to economic developers in other states, they are showing them this program as a model of how to support employers in developing talent,” testified Delaney McKinley, MMA senior director of government affairs and membership. “What’s unique about this program is that it is truly demand-driven. It allows employers to be creative and develop the training program that best fits their business and their workforce.”

The bill is expected to be voted on in the next couple weeks. Check out this informative video on the program and directions for connecting with your local Senator and Representative.

This article originally appeared in the 5/1/18 issue of MFG Voice.

Contact Delaney McKinley

Delaney McKinleySenior Director of Government Affairs and Membership
Call 517-487-8530

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