
MMA’s Enhanced Skills Training Bill Passes Senate

The Senate voted 33-2 in favor of Senate Bill 946 (Senator Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth) to continue supporting the program, designed and implemented by Governor Snyder’s administration, which has provided $72.9 million in competitive awards to more than 2,000 Michigan companies for short-term training.

Now as Governor Snyder’s term in office comes to a close, MMA is working to secure the necessary legislative support to ensure that this valuable program lives on into the future. The STTF enhances talent, productivity and employment retention to increase the quality and competitiveness of Michigan’s employers and talent pool.

Most importantly, SB 946 also expands the time frame in which training may be conducted from a window of a just few months to a window of one year. More detailed information about the changes included in the bill can be found here.

The bill will now move to the House Committee on Workforce and Talent Development and the Committee should begin its review of the legislation soon. Check out this informative video on the program and directions for connecting with your local Representative.

This article originally appeared in the 5/14/18 issue of MFG Voice.

Contact Delaney McKinley

Delaney McKinleySenior Director of Government Affairs and Membership
Call 517-487-8530

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