
Statement of MMA President & CEO John Walsh in Response to Action Taken by MEDC and MSF

LANSING (July 9, 2024) — The Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) today released the following statement in response to action taken by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Michigan Strategic Fund..

Statement of MMA President & CEO John J. Walsh

Today’s actions by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Michigan Strategic Fund to reaffirm and revise offers to Ford Motor Company shows that Michigan’s incentive programs work. Manufacturers must be flexible enough to navigate the ever-changing marketplace and technology landscape, and Michigan must be agile enough to keep up with global changes.

I commend Ford for their continued commitment to investment here in Michigan. These projects are coveted by other states and I'm grateful that Ford is continuing to grow here in the Great Lakes State.

For more information or to schedule a call with MMA President & CEO John Walsh, contact MMA’s Delaney McKinley at 517-487-8530 or

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Delaney McKinleyDelaney McKinley
Executive Vice President of Operations
Call 517-487-8530

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