
MMA Operations Conference 2025

Sponsorship Opportunities and More!

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The annual Manufacturing Operations Conference provides actionable solutions to operational challenges for Michigan manufacturers.

This powerful event offers proven strategies, tools and best practices in the areas of organizational culture, human resources, marketing and community relations, cybersecurity and technology, production and operational efficiencies, purchasing, finance and environmental health and safety.

Pricing & Details

Date, Location and Time

Thursday, April 17, 2025
The Lansing Center


    Standard Registration (closes 4/9/25)
  • $175/person for MMA Industry & Associate Members
  • $275/person for MMA Insurance and Future members
    Late Registration (after 4/10/25)
  • $225/person for MMA Industry & Associate Members
  • $325/person for MMA Insurance and Future members

iheartEarly Bird Special!

Save $25 when you
register by February 21!

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Past Conference Highlights

Program Lineup


7:30 a.m.


Breakfast hosted by Michigan Economic Development Corporation


8:45 a.m.



Morning Keynote

8:50 a.m.


Empowering Teams and Customers through Strategic Training Initiatives
Patrick Curry & Gary Bruff • Fullerton Tool


9:35 a.m.


Networking Break

Breakout Session #1

9:45 a.m.


Generative AI Basics and Breakthroughs in the Industry
James Carpp • Rehmann


Grow Profitability with Cost and Margin Intelligence
Jon Wood & Stewart Zellars • Plante Moran


Turning Supply Chain Transparency into a Competitive Advantage
Rebekah McCarter • Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center


10:45 a.m.


Networking Break

Breakout Session #2

11:20 a.m.


Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Financial Performance in Manufacturing
Patrick Connally • CLA


Successful Leadership Strategies for Future-Proofing Your Team
Tom Cox • Wipfli


The Talent Attraction Blueprint
Jason Piasecki • Revel


12:15 p.m.


Networking Lunch

Legislative Update

1:00 p.m.


Key Regulatory Changes for Manufacturers in 2025
Mark Knoth • Kerr Russell

Pitch Event

1:15 p.m.


i4.0 Pitch Event


2:00 p.m.


Networking Break

Breakout Session #3

2:30 p.m.   


Best Practices in Autonomous Material Handling
Joe LaRussa • I4.0 Accelerator


How Renewable Energy Solutions Transformed Our Manufacturing Operations
Eric Smith • Nexteer Automation | Ryan Kiley • NorthStar Clean Energy


Leading vs. Managing: The Journey from Directive Oversight to Inspired Leadership
Jon Lynch •Three Rivers Corporation


3:30 p.m.


Closing Remarks

Patrick Curry and Gary BruffMorning Keynote
Empowering Teams and Customers through Strategic Training Initiatives

Discover how strategic training initiatives can drive success within your organization and with your customers. Join Patrick Curry and Gary Bruff as they share insights from Fullerton Tool’s talent journey, including the creation of Fullerton Tool University (FTU), an internal training program designed to develop future talent and foster retention through clearly defined career paths, and FAST Academy, an innovative program that equips customers with the knowledge to effectively utilize advanced performance tooling while unlocking cost-saving opportunities. With over 50 years of combined manufacturing experience, Gary and Patrick will explore how investing in talent and customer education strengthens culture, enhances partnerships and boosts market share.

Mark KnothKey Regulatory Changes for Manufacturers in 2025

As the lunch speaker for the 2025 MMA Operations Conference, Mark Knoth, leader of Kerr Russell’s Labor & Employment practice group, will break down the most significant legal changes impacting manufacturers and how businesses can stay ahead. Covering topics such as safety regulations, the Federal Minimum Wage Act, NLRB rulings, paid leave policies, non-compete restrictions, supply chain challenges, tariffs and immigration reform, Knoth will highlight real-world case studies and strategies to help employers adapt. Attendees will gain actionable insights to navigate these evolving regulations and keep their operations on track.

Pitch Event
Industry 4.0 Technology Pitch Event

The Industry 4.0 Accelerator will be presenting four unique technology solutions addressing some of the most common and challenging productivity issues facing manufacturers.

James CarppGenerative AI Basics and Breakthroughs in the Industry

Rehmann’s James Carpp introduces manufacturers to the transformative potential of generative AI. This session offers a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence, covering general, narrow and generative AI, and demonstrates how to use AI tools to enhance productivity without advanced programming skills. Participants will learn practical strategies for crafting effective prompts, responsibly integrating AI into workflows and addressing key considerations like intellectual property, data privacy and security. Leave with actionable insights and ready-to-use prompts to drive immediate improvements in your manufacturing operations.

SpeakerTurning Supply Chain Transparency into a Competitive Advantage

Explore how supply chain transparency can mitigate risks and serve as a competitive advantage in today’s evolving market. Rebekah McCarter from the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center will lead a dynamic panel discussion with Michigan manufacturers, addressing strategies like leveraging traceability, dual sourcing and reshoring to navigate challenges. Participants will gain insights into using supply chain visibility to meet market demands, enhance resilience and uncover new business opportunities.

Jon Wood and Stewart ZellarsGrow Profitability with Cost and Margin Intelligence

Explore how manufacturers can eliminate guesswork in critical decision-making by unlocking the power of cost and margin intelligence. This session highlights challenges such as determining when to replace equipment, evaluating quotes, identifying OEE performance issues and deciding whether to make or buy. Through real-world case studies, Plante Moran’s Jon Wood and Stewart Zellars demonstrate how to integrate data from diverse sources, correct inaccuracies in master data and develop actionable dashboards. Participants will gain insights into leveraging analytics to empower decision-makers, drive competitive advantage and achieve sustained profitability.

SpeakerEnhancing Operational Efficiency and Financial Performance in Manufacturing

Uncover strategies to elevate both operational efficiency and financial performance within manufacturing. Patrick Connally of CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) will share insights into streamlining operations, integrating productivity-boosting technologies and implementing financial management techniques that drive profitability. Through real-world examples and case studies from leading manufacturers, participants will gain practical tools to optimize their processes and achieve sustained success.

Jason PiaseckiThe Talent Attraction Blueprint

Jason Piasecki of Revel will share strategies for developing an employer brand that attracts top talent in today’s competitive manufacturing landscape. This session provides insights into crafting a brand that reflects company culture, highlights the Employee Value Proposition and aligns with workforce expectations. Attendees will leave with actionable steps to build a compelling employer brand that resonates with the modern workforce and positions their organization as an employer of choice.

Tom CoxSuccessful Leadership Strategies for Future-Proofing Your Team

Wipfli’s Tom Cox explores the leadership strategies essential for navigating today’s unprecedented talent challenges. With manufacturers competing for talent across industries, this session examines the expectations of Millennials and Gen X, and the steps leaders must take to build engaged, productive teams. Participants will gain insights into the heart of effective leadership and discover strategies to create a more sustainable and resilient organization.

Joe LaRussaBest Practices in Autonomous Material Handling

This session will be a panel discussion, moderated by I4.0 Accelerator’s Joe LaRussa, as they share best practices on autonomous material handling.

Jon LynchLeading vs. Managing: The Journey from Directive Oversight to Inspired Leadership

Explore the critical distinctions between managing and leading in today’s dynamic workplace. This session, led by Three Rivers Corporation’s Jon Lynch, delves into how leadership transcends directive oversight by fostering growth, psychological safety and meaningful collaboration. Jon will share how civility, storytelling and empathy drive transformative change while building resilient teams. Participants will gain insights into creating environments where employees thrive through open communication, respect and inspired leadership, ensuring long-term organizational success.

Eric Smith and Ryan KileyHow Renewable Energy Solutions Transformed Our Manufacturing Operations

Nexteer Automation’s Eric Smith and NorthStar Clean Energy’s Ryan Kiley will share a comprehensive business case study on implementing a 25-acre solar field with 17,000 panels at Nexteer’s energy-intensive manufacturing facility in Saginaw. Motivated by rising energy costs and sustainability goals, this project stabilized energy expenses while reducing carbon emissions. Participants will gain insights into every stage, from decision-making and engineering design to construction and post-solar site management. Through real-world data analysis and collaboration experiences with solar service providers, this session offers practical guidance for manufacturers exploring onsite renewable energy solutions.

2025 Sponsors

Blue Cross Blue Shield Chatfield Global Rehmann Human Element MetLife

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Ashley Wakefield

Ashley Wakefield
Director of Membership, Marketing & Events
Call 517-487-8523


Elizabeth Maciejewski

Elizabeth Maciejewski
Membership & Events Coordinator
Call 517-487-8542