Manufacturers Celebrate State Leaders at Legislative Reception
From left: MMA President Chuck Hadden, Rep. Sheppard, Sen. Shirkey, Sen. MacGregor, Rep. Graves, Sen. Stamas, Sen. Horn, and MMA V.P. of Government Affairs Mike Johnston |
The 2016 Legislator of the Year Award recipients are:
- Senator Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth
- Senator Peter MacGregor, R-Rockford
- Senator Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake
- Senator Jim Stamas, R-Midland
- Representative Joseph Graves, R-Linden
- Representative Jason Sheppard, R-Lambertville
Senator Ken Horn (R-Frankenmuth) stepped up on behalf of manufacturers on essential regulatory issues and championed legislation to fight increased health care costs. His efforts on behalf of Michigan’s manufacturing industry have been essential to the state’s recent economic success and MMA is proud to honor him with this award.
Senator Peter MacGregor (R-Rockford) is being honored for his vocal leadership on tough issues affecting manufacturing’s future in Michigan. Thanks to his drive to reduce health care costs, Michigan manufacturers have more resources to put toward hiring and retaining talent. His leadership is essential for Michigan to remain a national leader in job creation.
Senator Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) is receiving this award for his strong leadership in working to improve manufacturing’s competitiveness through health care reform. His thoughtful leadership has been a consistent factor in Michigan’s economic growth and employers commend his stance that a pro-manufacturing future is good for Michigan.
Senator Jim Stamas (R-Midland) is being honored for his commitment to solving Michigan’s health care challenges. He has taken on a leadership role for an issue critical to manufacturing competitiveness. Senator Stamas’ hard work on behalf of Michigan manufacturers is to be lauded by job-providers across the state.
Representative Joseph Graves (R-Linden) continues to have a strong dedication to a Michigan built on the hard work of manufacturers. He regularly leads the way on complex issues and seeks solutions that keep job creators hiring and the state of Michigan moving forward.
Representative Jason Sheppard (R-Lambertville) understands the need for legislators to keep Michigan competitive and attract new businesses and new investments to the Great Lakes State. His leadership and recognition that economic development incentives are vital to achieving that goal is one that will propel the state’s manufacturing industry forward.
The 2016 MMA Legislative Reception was held at the MMA Headquarters (620 South Capitol Ave.) in Lansing and was attended by manufacturers, legislators, executive branch officials and manufacturing champions and partners from across the state.